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Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.是模拟电源半导体产品全球领先供应商,设计制造种类繁多的电源管理 IC、电机控制 IC、LED 照明 IC 以及高品质汽车半导体器件和分立组件。

Sanken Electric 三垦电气自1946年创立以来,基于对世界产业、经济和文化发展作出贡献的企业理念,持之以恒、精益求精致力于技术的研究和开发,在电力电气技术及其周边领域里竭诚为顾客提供最佳解决方案,以坚持不懈地追求与顾客共享价值观的精神构筑了在该领域的牢固地位。

在作为公司核心事业的半导体器件领域,Sanken Electric 三垦电气向世界各地顾客提供着一系列具有高附加价值的先进产品:面向汽车市场增长势头强劲的车载IC,具有巨大成长预期 的马达控制IC,在产业机械、家用电器和其它应用市场均获青睐的功率控制IC以及分立器件等等。此外,Sanken Electric 三垦电气还向顾客提供着独树一帜的电源模组产品,这些产品融合了Sanken Electric 三垦电气积累多年的电路技术和控制技术;Sanken Electric 三垦电气的功率系统的产品通过自创业以来坚持不懈的技术创新在市场上独立特行。Sanken Electric 三垦电气仍将卧薪尝胆、锐意进取把在电力电子领域向顾客提供丰富多彩的解决方案作为企业使命继续努力。

今后Sanken Electric 三垦电气将一如既往致力于技术革新,在提高具有高附加价值独创性的技术实力的同时,追求更加值得信赖的产品质量,进一步巩固全球展开的事业基础。通过这些 努力,Sanken Electric 三垦电气将最大限度地提高企业价值,致力于与环境的和谐发展,赢得股东、顾客、供应商以及从区域社会到企业员工等所有利益相关者的信任,贡献于世界产 业、经济、文化的发展,展示令人信服的高价值的企业形象。

Sanken Electric Co., Ltd. has continued the relentless pursuit of progress in research and development ever since the company's founding in 1946, in accordance with our corporate credo of contributing to the betterment of global industry, economy and culture through advances in business.

From the very beginning, we have endeavored to provide best solutions for our customers in the field of power electronics and related areas and, by seeking to share the same set of values with our customers, we have gained a firm stature in this industry.

We are committed to deliver technologically-sophisticated and value-added products to our customers worldwide.

Semiconductor devices which we deal in our core business include ICs for automotive electronic components, which are growing at a steady rate of expansion; motor control ICs, which are expected to show a significant growth in the near future; and power control ICs and power discrete devices sought after not only by industrial equipment and home appliances markets but also by various application markets.

Other products we supply to our customers encompass distinctively-positioned products such as power module products, which are high-level amalgamation of circuit technology and control technology that Sanken has accumulated over a long period of time, and power system products, a category in which we have strived to bring about technological innovations ever since our incorporation.

We undertake our pledge that Sanken continues to be a company that can provide diverse solutions in power electronics.

Sanken keeps on striving for technological innovation, nurture our unique and value-creating technological capability, pursue the unprecedented level of quality and reliability and strengthen our global business infrastructure.
Through these initiatives, we aim to maximize our corporate value and conduct our business in harmony with the natural environment.

Moreover, we will continue to work to ensure that our decisions and actions are acknowledged to be worthy of trust by all of our stakeholders - shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, and members of the local community - and that Sanken is recognized as a company that contributes to the enrichment of the industry, the economy and the culture on earth.

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